Dutch climate activist glues himself to the table at a talk show… before security tips him off

A Dutch climate activist glued himself to a table during a live TV debate, forcing security to intervene and tip him off.

Extinction Rebellion‘s Jelle de Graaf was invited to speak on the Khalid and Sophie talk show about the eco protesters who stuck themselves to the Girl with a Pearl Earring painting in The Hague.

During the discussion, he leaped up on to the table and put glue on his hands before slamming them down on the surface.

The activist then went into a speech about the climate, discussing the hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis who have been displaced by unprecedented floods.

On set security then came over to the table in a bid to remove the eco warrior.

Dutch climate activist glues himself to the table at a talk show… before security tips him off

A Dutch climate activist has glued himself to a table during a live TV debate before falling off it when security tipped it over

Extinction Rebellion’s Jelle de Graaf was invited to speak on the Khalid and Sophie talk show about the eco protesters who stuck themselves to the Girl with a Pearl Earring painting in The Hague

They decided to tip the table to one side, as de Graaf pleaded to keep filming instead of cutting to a commercial break because he feared for his safety.

Staff then lifted up the wooden tabletop and carried the protester away with it to the side of the studio. 

They placed one side of the table down on the floor and tipped it over, causing him to become unstuck and tumble down to the side.

De Graaf continued to remonstrate with the TV security in the fiery exchange before they escorted him from the set.

The protester describes himself as ‘an intersectional activist, campaigner and strategic advisor’.

During the conversation, he leaped up on to the table and put glue on his hands before slamming them down on the surface

The protester describes himself as ‘an intersectional activist, campaigner and strategic advisor’

A group of security then came over to the table in a bid to remove the eco warrior

Staff then lifted up the wooden tabletop and carried the protester away with it to the side of the studio

They placed one side of the table down on the floor and tipped it over, causing him to become unstuck and tumble down to the side

De Graaf continued to remonstrate with the TV security in the fiery exchange before they escorted him from the set

Last year, he helped organise Extinction Rebellion’s action week and is also involved in a number of grassroots movements. 

De Graaf was speaking about the eco activists who  targeted the world famous Girl with a Pearl Earring painting in the Netherlands in the latest brazen gallery attack carried out by environmentalists.

Three Just Stop Oil vandals were arrested at the Mauritshuis museum in The Hague, and the Johannes Vermeer artwork was undamaged after the protest which sparked groans and heckles from the unimpressed onlookers.

Gallery visitors tried to drown out the ‘stupid’ demonstrators, telling them to ‘shut up’ during a speech about protecting the environment. 

Footage circulating online shows how one protester appeared to glue his bald head to the glass covering the painting. His accomplice then poured a tin of chopped tomatoes over his head and they removed their jackets to reveal their Just Stop Oil t-shirts.

He said: ‘How do you feel? How do you feel when you see something beautiful and priceless being apparently destroyed before your eyes?

De Graaf was speaking about the eco activists who targeted the world famous Girl with a Pearl Earring painting in the Netherlands 

Footage circulating online shows how one protester appeared to glue his bald head to the glass covering the painting

A video posted on Twitter showed one man pouring a can of red substance over another protester who appeared to attempt to glue his head to the glass-protected painting

‘Do you feel outraged? Good. Where is that feeling when you see the planet being destroyed before our very eyes.

‘This painting is protected by glass, it’s just fine.

‘Vulnerable people in the Global South, they are not protected, the future of our children is not protected. 

‘People in fuel poverty who need to choose between heating or eating are not protected.’ 

The pair were then seen being escorted away in handcuffs by police, along with a third member of the group. 

‘Around 2 pm (1200 GMT) two people glued themselves to the Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer,’ the Mauritshuis said in a statement to AFP.

‘One person glued his head to the painting, which was behind glass, and the other person glued his hand to the green wall next to the painting. A third person threw an unknown substance at the painting.’

The museum added: ‘We have immediately inspected the painting, which was done by our restorers. Fortunately the painting… was not damaged.’

The painting would return on display ‘as soon as possible’.

Gallery visitors tried to drown out the ‘stupid’ demonstrators, telling them to ‘shut up’ during a speech about protecting the environment

The pair were then seen being escorted away in handcuffs by police, along with a third member of the group

The two men in the video were seen being escorted away by police in more footage

Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, painted in around 1665, is one of the most famous paintings in the world

‘Art is defenceless and to try and damage it for whichever cause, we strongly condemn it,’ the Mauritshuis added.

Dutch police said in a statement they had arrested three Belgian men in their 40s for damage to public property and were conducting a forensic investigation. They were being questioned.

A statement sent by a group calling itself part of the ‘Just Stop Oil collective,’ said its Belgian activists were responsible and had thrown soup.

‘The message is clear: if humanity does not immediately stop using fossil fuels, it will become extinct,’ it said. ‘They would never defile a work of art not covered with protective glass.’

A representative of Just Stop Oil in Britain said the protest in The Hague had not been coordinated and it had not been involved. The groups said they are not affiliated.

Dutch Junior Minister for Culture Gunay Uslu said ‘everyone has the right to make a point. But please: leave our shared heritage alone. Attacking defenceless works of art is not the right way.’

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