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Drag Agenda 111 contractors to site now

The Minority in Parliament wants the government to as a matter of urgency ensure that contractors assigned to the Danfa District Hospital in the Greater Accra Region under the agenda 111 policy return to site to commence work on the project. 

The group bemoans that despite the allocation of over 1 million dollars as mobilization fund to the contractors since last year [2022], work is yet to start on the health facility.

During a visit to the proposed site by the minority members on the Health Committee of Parliament, the Ranking Member, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh urged the government to be committed to the project.

“Approximately $1.3 million has been paid to these contractors, and so we were expecting that at least by now we could see some structures on site. But unfortunately, there’s no structure on-site at all.

“And so we are calling on government to immediately find the whereabouts of these companies/contractors. We should see some action at site, because they have been paid,” the Ranking Member on the Health Committee of Parliament fumed.

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