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Did Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner crash John McCain’s funeral or not?

Did Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner crash John McCain’s funeral or not?
“I saw Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner sitting toward the back,” McCain, the youngest daughter of the late Arizona Sen. John McCain, recounts. “As far as I knew, they had not been invited by the family, but they showed up anyway. … It never even crossed my mind that they would come. Why would you go to something like that? It seemed audacious even for them.”

Which, well, yes!

Lindsey Graham gets involved

Except, according to South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R), that’s not what happened.

“[Meghan] was upset they were there — I understand that, and she has hard feelings but I know what happened and nobody showed up uninvited,” Graham told The Washington Post this week. “I love Meghan McCain and I understand how stressful all this has been for her and those who attack her dad will never be forgiven by her.”

McCain took umbrage at Graham’s denial. Bigly.

“Lindsey Graham may consider himself a member of my family, but he is not and hasn’t been for a very long time,” she tweeted on Wednesday morning. “He certainly doesn’t speak for me or my life experiences. Full stop. The media should stop treating him like he is an expert on anything McCain related.”

Which, well, rough.

It’s not likely that we ever get to the bottom of the were-they-invited-or-were-they-not controversy. Unless the person managing the funeral attendees list decides to speak out. Which, unlikely.

But the broader point here is just how much Trump (and his offspring and allies) continues to divide the Republican Party. So much so that John McCain’s daughter feels compelled to tell her father’s onetime closest ally in the Senate — and now a major Trumper — that he isn’t part of her family “and hasn’t been for a very long time.”

The Point: Trump may no longer be president. But the impacts of the divisiveness he willingly fomented continue to be felt on a near-daily basis within his party.

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