Dan Andrews government dumps budget integrity officer Anthony Close  

Shock as integrity officer who wrote report criticising Daniel Andrews’ government is dumped: ‘It’s another blow to integrity’

  • Victorian independent budget assessor axed  
  • Anthony Close told to clear desk by Sunday 

A decision to axe an official independent auditor who wrote a report criticising Daniel Andrews government has been described as ‘another blow to integrity’. 

Parliamentary Budget Officer Anthony Close has been told to clear out his desk by Sunday with the state government deciding not to renew his contract for another two years despite a parliamentary recommending it. 

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas has shunned the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee request for Mr Close to stay on with the objection he could only be reappointed for four years, the Herald Sun reports.

In 2021 Mr Close accused the Andrews government of hiding the state’s true financial affairs from Victorians in a report. 

Dan Andrews government dumps budget integrity officer Anthony Close  

Parliamentary Budget Officer Anthony Close has been told to clear out his desk by Sunday with the state government deciding not to renew his contract for another two years despite a parliamentary recommending it 

Shadow Special Minister of State David Davis told Daily Mail Australia the axing sent a chilling message to anyone who spoke out against the government. 

‘Another day and another blow to the integrity in Victoria under the Andrews government,’ he said.

‘By sacking a highly respected and independent integrity officer the Government has shown it will go to any lengths to silence it critics.

‘The Premier must explain why he had backflipped on Mr Close’s position just months after he exposed serious financial mismanagement in the government.’

Citing an unnamed source the Herald Sun said the move to get rid of Mr Close was ‘a political hit’ on someone who has has ‘turned out to be a thorn in their side’.

‘The government’s action in this regard will put all integrity agency heads on notice that they are not safe in their roles,’ the source was quoted as saying.

When Mr Pallas established the PBO in 2016 he said it would be a valuable asset in promoting transparency.

‘An effective and independent PBO supports open and democratic government strengthening public debate throughout the parliamentary term levelling the playing field in relation to financial expertise,’ Mr Pallas said. 

The move to axe Mr Close comes just one month before Mr Pallas prepares to deliver the state budget, which has been flagged to contain drastic cuts in an attempt to rein in the state’s towering mountain of debt. 

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has come under fire after his government decided to axe Mr Close

It has already been revealed the promised $8-14billion rail link from Melbourne’s CBD to it main Tullamarine Airport has been halted because of the sea of red ink, with debt climbing over $100million for the first time in the state’s history. 

Work has also been suspended on the Geelong Fast Rail project and community health programs have been told they will see funding reduced by up to 15 per cent .

The state which has racked up a debt larger than NSW, Queensland and Tasmania combined had to pay $1.8 billion in interest alone over the last half of 2022 and the crippling amount if forecast to reach $165.9 billion by 2025. 

Daily Mail Australia contacted Mr Andrews and Mr Pallas for comment. 

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