Critically-ill Indi Gregory’s life support is withdrawn and she is moved from hospital to a hospice after her parents lost legal fights at the High Court and Court of Appeal

Specialists have withdrawn life-support treatment from a critically-ill baby girl who has been at the centre of a legal battle, a campaign organisation supporting her parents has said.

Eight-month-old Indi Gregory has been transferred from the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham to a hospice, Christian Concern said on Sunday.

Indi’s parents, Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth, have lost life-support treatment fights in the High Court and Court of Appeal in London.

High Court judge Mr Justice Peel had ruled limiting treatment would be lawful, and doing so would be in Indi’s best interests.

In a statement issued through the group, Indi’s father said she is ‘fighting hard’. 

Her parents failed to persuade Court of Appeal judges and judges at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, to overturn that treatment decision.

Critically-ill Indi Gregory’s life support is withdrawn and she is moved from hospital to a hospice after her parents lost legal fights at the High Court and Court of Appeal

Eight-month-old Indi Gregory has been transferred from the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham to a hospice, Christian Concern said on Sunday

Indi pictured at her christening alongside her parents Claire Staniforth and Dean Gregory

The couple also failed in a bid to transfer Indi to a hospital in Rome.

Mr Justice Peel ruled a move to Italy would not be in Indi’s best interests and Court of Appeal judges backed that decision.

Indi, who was born on February 24, has mitochondrial disease – a genetic condition that saps energy. 

Specialists say she is dying and bosses at the hospital asked for a ruling that doctors could lawfully limit treatment.

Medics say the treatment Indi receives causes pain and is futile. Her parents disagree, and had been desperately trying to get her transferred to Italy for treatment.

Mr Justice Peel considered evidence at private hearings in the Family Division of the High Court in London.

He allowed journalists to attend and said Indi can be identified in reports.

The judge said specialists involved in Indi’s care could not be named – nor could the hospice where she has been moved to.

It comes only days after the Derbyshire family’s appeal to take her home was rejected.

Dean Gregory and Claire Staniforth mounted a desperate appeal after failing to persuade a judge to let her receive end-of-life care at home.

They said they wanted specialists to withdraw treatment from eight-month-old Indi at their home in Ilkeston, Derbyshire. 

A High Court judge on Wednesday ruled against Indi’s parents and concluded that withdrawing treatment at home would be ‘too dangerous’.

Prior to that, Italy made an urgent request to the High Court to have baby Indi handed over to them so she can be treated in Rome.

There were hopes that she would be transferred to the Bambino Gesù Hospital, which agreed to treat her illness, after the Italian government intervened and granted her citizenship. 

Italian consul in Manchester, Matteo Corradini, requested in his capacity as guardian for Indi that she be allowed to travel for treatment.

The request was made to the High Court in London to Mr Justice Robert Peel who heard previous reviews and each time ordered it is in her ‘best interests’ to be allowed to die.

Indi Gregory’s parents have lost legal fights in London to continue treatment for their baby

High Court judge Mr Justice Peel had ruled limiting treatment would be lawful, and doing so would be in Indi’s best interests 

Little Indi Gregory has mitochondrial disease, a condition that saps energy

It was made under Article 9 of the 1996 Hague Convention which allows a country to request another to help if they consider ‘they are best placed to assess the child’s best interests’. 

Campaign organisation Christian Concern, which is supporting Indi’s parents, said on Thursday that the couple had made an application to the Court of Appeal relating to Indi’s end-of-life care. 

Court officials said an appeal judge was considering their challenge.

Mr Justice Peel had considered arguments relating to Indi’s end-of-life care at a private online hearing in the Family Division of the High Court.

The judge, who is based in London, said he accepted the evidence of specialists.

But Mr Justice Peel had already ruled that specialists can lawfully limit treatment.

He concluded that such a move would be in Indi’s best interests.

Indi’s parents have failed to persuade Court of Appeal judges and judges at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, to overturn that treatment decision.

Mr Justice Peel ruled that a move to Italy would not be in Indi’s best interests and Court of Appeal judges backed that decision.

Mr Justice Peel said, in his ruling on Wednesday, that Indi’s father has ‘acknowledged, correctly and properly’, that his ‘decisions and orders’ were ‘unaffected’ by Italy’s decision to grant the little girl citizenship.

Mr Dean Gregory, Indi’s father, said last week: ‘Mine and Claire’s heart’s goes out to the Italian president and the Italian government, and the Italian people. 

‘We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we see you as Indi’s guardian angels. The compassion and love you have shown to try and help our daughter get the care she needs and the devotion you have for Indi makes us so happy.

‘But there is still an urgency to appeal to the British government to allow Indi to come to Italy before it is too late. 

‘As a father I have never asked or begged for anything in my life, but I am now begging the British government to please help prevent our daughter’s life from being taken away.’

This is a breaking news story. More to follow. 

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