Covid patient is in hospital after overdosing on Ivermectin

Covid patient is hospitalised after overdosing on unproven drugs amid warnings about self-treatment with online coronavirus ‘cures’

  • A Covid patient attempted to self-treat with an array of substances 
  • Westmead Hospital doctor said patient had nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  • Ivermectin is not authorised as a Covid treatment in Australia 
  • WHO cautions against Covid use but it is used as a treatment in some countries 

A Covid patient who self-medicated with the drug Ivermectin and other supposed coronavirus cures has been admitted to hospital after overdosing. 

Westmead Hospital toxicologist Associate Professor Naren Gunja said the patient had presented at the hospital with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 

‘Thankfully they didn’t develop severe toxicity but it didn’t help their Covid either,’ Dr Gunja said in The Pulse, Western Sydney Local Health District’s website. 

Ivermectin is a drug used to combat parasites like head lice and scabies, and though it has been authorised for Covid treatment in countries like India and Mexico, it is not authorised for that use in Australia.

The World Health Organization has warned against its use and said its efficacy is unproven.

Because Ivermectin is also used in a concentrated form for veterinary heartworm treatment, there is a risk that people who buy that form of the drug online can easily take the wrong dose. 

Covid patient is in hospital after overdosing on Ivermectin

Dr Naren Gunja from Westmead Hospital (pictured) said the patient had presented with nausea after they took an unproven drug called Ivermectin to treat Covid 

Dr Gunja warned people not to look for unproven cures online, and to be guided by  doctors and Australia’s medication safety watchdog the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

‘There’s no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin to treat Covid. Don’t look for magic cures online, and don’t rely on what’s being peddled on the internet, because none of them work,’ he said. 

Ivermectin has been promoted by anti-vaccination groups as an alternative Covid   treatment and as a result the TGA said it is being imported into Australia in growing amounts. 

‘Detections of ivermectin [being brought into Australia] have increased significantly, more than tenfold,’ a spokesperson said.

The TGA had warned against using Ivermectin (pictured) to treat Covid and said there could be a number of dangerous side effects

‘The TGA strongly discourages self-medication and self-dosing with Ivermectin for COVID-19 as it may be dangerous to your health. There is insufficient evidence to validate the use of Ivermectin in patients with COVID-19,’ the safety watchdog said. 

Dr Gunja said Westmead Hospital had also admitted other patients who attempted treat Covid with a variety of dangerous products – including disinfectants and alcohol. 

He also said patients had presented after taking hydroxychloroquine – a malaria drug that was an authorised treatment for Covid in the U.S. in the early stages of the pandemic before that was withdrawn in April last year as it heightened the risk of heart problems among those in the later stages of the virus. 


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