Covid-19 NZ: Jacinda Ardern backtracks on New Zealand’s reopening plan

Jacinda Ardern ruins travel plans for tens of thousands by BACKTRACKING on New Zealand’s reopening plan – introducing tough new quarantine requirements to enter the country

  • Returning New Zealanders were set to self-isolate at home for a week from Jan 17
  • This has now been pushed back to end of February due to Omicron threat
  • The time travellers must spend in quarantine has also been increased to 10 days
  • NZ recorded 28 new Covid cases on Tuesday with 22 Omicron infections in total 

Tens of thousands of New Zealanders have been left heartbroken after their travel plans were ruined again from a decision by Jacinda Ardern to push back quarantine-free entry into the country. 

Fully-vaccinated Kiwis returning home from Australia were set to be allowed to self-quarantine for seven days from January 17 but this has now been pushed back to the end of February.

All returning travellers will now have to quarantine in managed isolation rooms for ten days – up from the previous seven day limit. 

Covid-19 NZ: Jacinda Ardern backtracks on New Zealand’s reopening plan

Thousands of New Zealanders will no longer be able to self-isolate at home as Jacinda Ardern’s government backtracks on the country’s reopening plan

Travellers will also need to get a test within 48 hours of departure, instead of 72 hours. 

The country’s Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the dramatic change had been made to protect New Zealanders amid the threat of the Omicron Covid-19 variant. 

Mr Hipkins said it would also give residents more time to get their booster shot, with the time between people getting their second dose and booster jab now pushed forward from six months to four months.

‘Waiting till the end of February will increase New Zealand’s overall protection and slow Omicron’s eventual spread,’ he said on Tuesday.

Fully-vaccinated Kiwis returning home from Australia were set to be allowed to self-quarantine for seven days from January 17 but this has now been pushed back to the end of February (pictured at Auckland Airport)

‘There’s no doubt this is disappointing and will upset many holiday plans, but it’s important to set these changes out clearly today so they can have time to consider those plans.’

This will mean just over 82 per cent of New Zealanders will be eligible for their booster shot by the end of February. 

The government also confirmed the rollout of vaccinations for children aged between five and 11 will begin on January 17. 

Mr Hipkins said vaccinations for this age group will not be mandatory. 

He added that evidence has pointed to Omicron being the ‘most transmissible variant yet’.


New Zealanders travelling home from Australia were due to be allowed to self-isolate from January 17

Due to the threat of the Omicron Covid variant, self-quarantine for Kiwis has been pushed back until the end of February

Returning travellers will have to quarantine for ten days instead of seven in managed isolation rooms

They will need to show proof of a negative test 48 hours before departure 

‘But experts still don’t know how severe it is. So while it’s sweeping the globe at a bewildering speed and appears to be the dominant variant, how sick it makes people and the impact it has on health systems is not yet fully understood,’ he added.

It comes after New Zealand recorded 28 new Covid infections on Tuesday.

There are currently 22 cases from the Omicron variant. 

More to come 

New Zealand residents returning home will now have to quarantine for ten days in managed isolation


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