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Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of La Francophonie (CONFEJES) announces Hybrid Mega-Conference in December 2021

The Expert group will develop ideas allowing the General Secretariat to promote the actions of CONFEJES so as to serve the populations to whom the organization owes its existence. While the Sport component of CONFEJES is well known on the international scene, part of the public does not always master the other areas of the organization’s interventions, we learned.

Addressing the audience, the Secretary General set out a three-point program, namely Governance and Strategic actions, Youth and Sport. In each of these programs, she said, there is an abundance of activities that young people in general, and women in particular, should take full ownership of.

Created in 1969, CONFEJES has 43 members, including twenty in Africa. Its mission is to implement the economic and social development actions of the Member States, train executives, support youth entrepreneurship, and promote the values​ of La Francophonie and the French language, among others.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Union of Broadcasting (AUB).

Bebey Michelle TCHANIA
Chargée de Communication
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