Cleo Smith: Was SECOND child in house with Cleo Smith? Detectives REFUSE to deny explosive claims

Was there a SECOND child in locked house with Cleo Smith? Detectives REFUSE to deny explosive claim about accused kidnapper as they remain tight-lipped about eerie ‘toy room’ girl was rescued from

Police have refused to deny explosive claims a second child may have been in the home where little Cleo Smith was imprisoned when detectives broke down the door.

Officers found the four year old alone in a room playing with toys but refused to comment on speculation another child was in the home.  

Detective Superintendent Rod Wild sidestepped one reporter’s questions and said: ‘I can’t go into that at that time.’

Police smashed down the door of the home in Tonkin Crescent in the Carnarvon suburb of Brockman around 12.46am on Wednesday  to rescue the toddler.

Cleo Smith: Was SECOND child in house with Cleo Smith? Detectives REFUSE to deny explosive claims

Police have refused to deny explosive claims a second child may have been in the home where little Cleo was imprisoned when detectives broke down the door.

She had been snatched 18 days earlier from her family’s tent at the Blowholes campsite 75 km away while parents Ellie and Jake and baby sister Isla slept next to her.

A massive police hunt for her finally tracked her down as a tip off on Tuesday led them to arrest a suspect and raid the Carnarvon house, just 3km from Cleo’s family home.

Police revealed they found Cleo in a bedroom playing with toys and was asked three times what her names was before she told Detective Senior Sergeant Cameron Blaine: ‘My name is Cleo.’

It was initially thought that she was found alone in the house. 

But on Thursday DS Blaine said he could not comment on further details about what police found for fear of jeopardising the investigation and possible trial.

‘I think I’ve said the lights were on and she was playing with toys,’ the detective said. ‘That’s about all I want to say. This is still a matter that needs to go before the courts.

‘There are certain aspects of what we saw, you know, that is going to be evidence and I really don’t want to say anything that is going to prejudice that.

More to follow 



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