Christ Apostolic Church Warns Against Impersonation, Indiscipline

The Trustees of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria have warned that the church will no longer condone any person or group of persons parading themselves as factions of the church.


This was contained in a statement entitled: ‘Christ Apostolic Church: Strict Warning Against Impersonation And Indiscipline,” signed by its General Secretary, Pastor Emmanuel Ezekiel Mapur.


The statement read in part: “No person or group of persons has any right to hold himself or themselves out as a faction of Christ Apostolic Church.

Christ Apostolic Church Warns Against Impersonation, Indiscipline

Christ Apostolic Church

There is only one registered constitution for the Christ Apostolic Church under the Companies and Allied Matters Act. And this Constitution was duly registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission.


This was further validated by the judgment of the Federal High Court. Therefore, the Christ Apostolic Church will not tolerate any person acting or holding himself out contrary to the provision of that constitution and the judgement of the Federal High Court.


“Henceforth, the Christ Apostolic Church will take serious exception for any person to ignore and act contrary to this warning and will not hesitate to invoke the wrath of the law against such a person or group of persons.


“Henceforth, no unauthorised person or persons should exchange correspondence, or grant any interview with any persons, group or authority for or on behalf of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas.”


Mapur stated that the decisions were taken at a recent meeting of the trustees held on October 12, this year at the national headquarters at Anlugbua, Basorun Ibadan, where they deliberated on the ongoing events in the church.


He said when the crisis began in 1990, “The protagonists in the matter that led to the crisis never thought it could develop to a stage of complete division. It was just about the discipline of some errant ministers, whom the authorities believed were spirit filled enough to show remorse and get reabsorbed by the Christ Apostolic Church authorities in no time.”

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