Check your change! The $1 Australian coin that is selling for $8,000

Check your pockets! A four-year-old dollar coin is selling for over $8,000.

The limited edition Donation Dollar was first released in September, 2020, with a plan to mint 25 million over the coming years – one for every Australian.

The world-first coin was designed as a reminder to give to those in need.

But those who are more selfishly-minded can cash in on the coin’s skyrocketing value.

Several 2020 Donation Dollars are listed on Ebay for over $8,000. 

The Royal Australian Mint said the intention behind the coin was twofold: to promote charitable behaviour and to provide a tangible, accessible way for people to enjoy the benefit of giving a small amount more frequently.

Dr Andrew Leigh, the Assistant Minister for Treasury, Competition and Charities, said last year that the Donation Dollar is ‘helping to build a more reconnected Australia’.

‘When we donate to others, we experience the well-known “helper’s high” – the joy that comes from assisting others,’ Dr Leigh said.

Check your change! The  Australian coin that is selling for ,000

The limited edition Donation Dollar (pictured) was first released in September, 2020, with a plan to mint 25 million over the coming years – one for every Australian

Several 2020 Donation Dollars are listed on Ebay for over $8,000.

Royal Australian Mint CEO Leigh Gordon said one Donation Dollar had been minted for every Australian as a reminder of the importance of giving back.

‘The Donation Dollar is an example of where an innovation can inspire additional behaviours and the importance that cash can inject into the community,’ Mr Gordon said. 

‘The number of people that have been inspired to make a donation by coming across a Donation Dollar far exceeds the value of that dollar.’

Royal Australian Mint CEO Leigh Gordon said one Donation Dollar had been minted for every Australian as a reminder of the importance of giving back

There is an estimated six million currently in circulation. 

The coin is instantly recognisable with the words ‘Give to Help Others’ and a green centre that is designed to wear down each time it’s donated.

After being released, the Donation Dollar generated an additional $55m in incremental charitable giving, which will increase in future years.

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