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Captain Smart ‘curses’ himself on live TV; says he’ll die the day he takes a bribe

Captain Smart ‘curses’ himself on live TV; says he’ll die the day he takes a bribe

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Captain Smart in his quest to vindicate himself of all the allegations levelled against him for taking bribes has made a bold statement on live TV.

The renowned broadcaster in recent times has been faced with some corruption and blackmail allegations by some government officials and other individuals who know him.

Speaking on Onua TV, Captain Smart boldly stated that he’s not corrupt and never blackmailed anyone in his entire life. 

According to him, he’s distinct from other journalists who have sold their morals to some political parties for money or fame. 

“…I have never collected bribe, never. I will never accept any bribe in my professional life. I will kill myself, I will commit suicide the very day I take a bribe,” he said.

He continued to place a ‘curse’ on himself, Smart said; he’ll die the very day he will take a bribe or better still commit suicide, the very day he will do something for people to say he’s corrupt.

 “The very day I will do something for people to say I am corrupt, I will not shoot myself, I will stab myself with a knife in the stomach and die. 

I will rather shoot myself in the head if I ever do something against the country”

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