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Businessman enrols in school to learn why Ghanaian businesses collapse

Businessman enrols in school to learn why Ghanaian businesses collapse

Founder of Kama Group of Companies, Dr Michael Agyekum Addo

Envy and jealousy killing Ghanaian businesses

Companies collapse from manpower, businessman reveals

What do we do with our emotions at work? Dr Addo asks

Founder of Kama Group of Companies, Dr Michael Agyekum Addo, has disclosed that he enrolled in the University of Ghana Business School at the age of 65 to get an insight into why most Ghanaian businesses collapse.

According to him, he couldn’t fathom why businesses collapse, companies go on demonstrations, health professionals strike in Ghana despite the training, incentives and so on given to the staff.

Speaking on Asaase Breakfast Show on Wednesday, January 5, he said he gained knowledge that anger, hatred, sadness and so on are some contributing factors to the collapse of businesses.

“At the age of 60 to 65, I was still confronted with the question: why do companies collapse in spite of all the training that we give to staff, all the incentives, improvements in working conditions? I see doctors going on strike, companies going on demonstrations, all for [better] working conditions. Why?” he questioned.

“So, at 65, I enrolled in University of Ghana Business School for them to tell me why, in spite of these management trainings, companies collapse. And I took a topic… What do we do with our emotions? … hatred, anger, joy, sadness – all these are emotions, and they affect our business lives,” he disclosed.

The business mogul noted that some of these emotions listed above can be dealt with but nothing can be done when someone is envious of the colleague.

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