Britain’s shrunken Navy can neither defend our shores nor project our power abroad. If the Falklands were invaded again, we could not defend them, writes PROFESSOR SAUL DAVID

Just imagine it: two lines of warships, seven miles long, anchored between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight… the greatest display of sea power the world has ever seen.

At the naval review staged off Spithead on the Solent for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Royal Navy mustered 170 ships, including 21 battleships and 56 cruisers. But the Queen was Victoria, not Elizabeth, and the year was 1897.

In the Victorian era, Britain insisted on a ‘two-power’ standard that meant her fleet was larger than those of the next two strongest powers combined. In fact, the number of ships on display that day — nearly all of which were less than ten years old — was greater than the total naval strength of all the world’s other leading navies.

Britain’s shrunken Navy can neither defend our shores nor project our power abroad. If the Falklands were invaded again, we could not defend them, writes PROFESSOR SAUL DAVID

The Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales, pictured, is taking the place of HMS Queen Elizabeth on a Nato exercise after the latter became stuck in port with a rusty propeller shaft

How the mighty are fallen. This week we learned that our £3.5 billion aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth II can no longer lead the largest Nato exercise since the Cold War because she is confined to port with a rusty propeller shaft. She will be replaced by her sister ship HMS Prince of Wales, which suffered a similar malfunction 18 months ago, while sailing for manoeuvres off North America.

If this is indicative of the state of our Navy, we should be truly worried. But another embarrassment, bordering on the farcical, was highlighted this week.

Also taking part in Exercise Steadfast Defender will be four P2000 ‘plastic patrol craft’. These normally cruise our coast, have a crew of five and are just 20 metres long, with a bridge open to the elements. Yes, they are armed, with highly trained crews, but they resemble private leisure craft more than destroyers or frigates.

Commander Richard Skelton, the Coastal Forces Squadron’s commanding officer, has described it as ‘no small feat’ to take these tiny ships to Norway and ‘1,500 miles north into the Arctic Circle and not only survive there but operate’.

While the boats have names to stir the blood — HMS Exploit, Trumpeter, Blazer and Biter — it is impossible to look at them without thinking of Dunkirk, and the courage of fishermen and amateur sailors who took their small craft across the Channel to rescue the British Army during the darkest hour of World War II.

But Dunkirk was a disaster narrowly averted. To think that boats like these are representing the Royal Navy in a major exercise, while its flagship aircraft carrier is out of commission, is a shocking blow to national pride.

Throughout its history, the Royal Navy has served two great purposes: to defend our shores and to project our power abroad. It no longer appears capable of doing either of those things.

If Britain were to face the unthinkable — a co-ordinated, large-scale attack from the sea by an armed enemy — it is unlikely we would be able to repel it. We simply do not have enough seaworthy ships and patrol boats, nor the necessary air power.

We can be thankful that we have not faced the prospect of mainland invasion for the past 80 years. But, as Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has warned, chillingly, we are now no longer living in a post-war world but a pre-war one.

And that means defence should be a renewed priority. At the end of the Cold War, Britain was spending more than 4 per cent of our gross domestic product [GDP] on the military. Now it’s 2 per cent — the bare minimum permitted under the rules of our Nato membership. The Government has proposed increasing this to 2.5 per cent but even that will be far from enough.

We also face a manpower crisis. In 2010, Britain had 192,000 servicemen and women. Today that number is fewer than 140,000.

Despite the threats we face from Russian aggression, Chinese expansionism, Middle Eastern conflict and international terrorism, there is still a widespread assumption that, even if we do fail to gear up sufficiently to protect our interests, the Americans will come to our aid.

HMS Antelope is bombed by Argentine forces in the bay of San Carlos in 1982 during the Falklands War

Given that former President Donald Trump has said that — if he is re-elected — he might be inclined to take the U.S. out of Nato, this is a dangerously complacent stance. It would surely be just as dangerous to assume our European allies would risk everything to save us.

The alternative is a sort of bland optimism that, in the event of war, Britain would cope as we did the last time we had to fend off an invasion — not in 1940 but in 1982, when Argentina annexed the Falkland islands.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s response to that unexpected act of aggression was to assemble a British task force that eventually totalled 127 ships, including two aircraft carriers and 41 other warships. These were despatched to recover overseas territory in a mission one historian described as ‘a military impossibility’.

Two vessels, the destroyer HMS Sheffield and the Merchant Navy ship Atlantic Conveyor, were lost to French-made Exocet missiles. Another five were sunk by bombs, and many badly damaged. Yet the islands were recovered in a risky amphibious operation that lasted just ten weeks.

An illustration depicting the British Navy’s ships during the Fleet Review in Spithead in 1897

The Falklands problem has never gone away. Argentina’s new far-Right president, Javier Milei (nicknamed ‘the Madman’), insists that his country’s claim to the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, or Malvinas, is ‘non-negotiable’ and the UK should hand them over in the same way that it gave Hong Kong back to the Chinese in 1997.

But if Argentina were to invade, we could not send any kind of viable task force today. On its website, the Royal Navy insists that its fleet of over 70 ships, ‘from formidable aircraft carriers and destroyers, to minehunters and patrol vessels’, gives it ‘the capacity to respond rapidly to any eventuality by ocean, sea or river’.

That is simply not the case, as the mechanical issues with the two aircraft carriers makes clear.

Despite its grand claims, the Royal Navy currently has just 31 warships of any significance: two aircraft carriers, six Type 45 guided missile destroyers, 11 Type 23 frigates and ten nuclear-powered submarines, of which four are capable of carrying the Trident nuclear deterrent.

Little information is released about the operation of our nuclear submarines but doubts have been cast on their reliability. Indeed, there have even been suggestions that the scale of their mechanical problems is such that it is a struggle to keep even one of them at sea..

The HMS Ark Royal in 1914. The Navy in 1914 was an undisputed global naval superpower

The other vessels are minesweepers, auxiliaries and coastal and offshore patrol boats of the type being sent on the Nato exercise. Eight new Type 26 anti-submarine frigates are on order, but will not come into service until 2028 at the earliest (after a gestation period of 30 years).

New Type 83 destroyers won’t be delivered until the late 2030s. Meanwhile, the Type 45 destroyers have been plagued by engine woes, and recent reports suggest that two frigates — HMS Argyll and Westminster — will be scrapped early because there aren’t enough sailors to crew them.

Our air defences, warned the Parliamentary defence committee last September, ‘fail to reach the mass necessary to survive the attrition of an all-out war with a peer adversary’.

Britain is surrounded, as never before in most of our lifetimes, by enemies. We can only pray that our leaders come to their senses regarding the looming threats to our interests worldwide and the vital role the Royal Navy still plays in protecting these shores.

Professor Saul David of the University of Buckingham is a bestselling military historian

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