Bride shows off myriad of gifts her husband presented to her at their traditional wedding (Photos)

A new bride took to social media to share photos of the ample gifts her new husband brought for her on their traditional wedding day.

The lady shared photos of her gifts to a Facebook group and asked the other group members to wish her a “happy marriage life”.

In the photos she shared, her gifts include different bags, boxes, shoes, body creams, wrappers, lace materials, crates of drinks, beverages, soaps, packets of tooth paste and others.

Checkout more photos,

In other news, a South African bride-to-be proved her worth to her man and his family during her introductory rite and bride price negotiation, also known as Lobola.

Lobola is a Swahili word that means “bride price” or bride wealth” and it is commonly used by people in South Africa, Zimbabwe as well as some South and East African countries.

Lobola negotiation is a process of presentation of a payment made by the prospective groom to the bride’s family.

During a recent Lobola negotiation, the young woman proudly exhibited her four credentials to the potential suitor’s family as a warning that her bride price would not be cheap. See photo here

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