Boomer unleashes at young Aussies in live radio meltdown

A veteran radio host has slammed teenagers attending Schoolies celebrations for refusing to ‘get pissed’ during the week of heavy partying. 

Baby boomer Mick Molloy, from Triple M’s Mick & MG In the Morning, slammed the ‘little p***ks’ who were choosing to remain sober on nights out. 

‘What has happened? What has happened to our great country with its great traditions? Kids getting hammered, up north, a rite of passage,’ the host said. 

‘And all of a sudden, no, no we don’t want to do that.’

Molloy noted the number of arrests and drunk-and-disorderly incidents had dropped at this year’s Schoolies celebrations.

‘This is supposed to be a month of Vodka Cruisers and Bacardi Breezers. And what I’m hearing is nothing,’ he continued. 

‘And what I compare it to, of course, like all us older folk do, is to the good old days. 

‘Nothing is as good as it was when we were going around.

‘But if these little p***ks refused to get pissed when they’ve got a free ride to do so, I tell ya, this country is cooked.’

Boomer unleashes at young Aussies in live radio meltdown

Triple M’s Mick Molloy, from Mick & MG In the Morning, slammed teenagers who decided to remain sober on nights out at Schoolies celebrations (pictured: teens on the Gold Coast)

Aussies shared their thoughts on Schoolies drinking habits in the comments. 

‘I’ve definitely spoken to a lot more 18-year-olds that don’t want to drink. Feel like it will be looked at like smoking in 20 years,’ one said. 

‘All the new Schoolies are pussies,’ a second wrote. 

A third shared: ‘Prices are crazy though, most of these kids spend $1k on hotel and flights/taxis then it’s another $200 a night on drinks and food.’

‘Isn’t everything said about schoolies a good thing though? Less arrests, not many drunken disorderly teens running amuck?’ a fourth said.

Others shared drunken memories from their own Schoolies weeks. 

‘2003 Schoolies was off the chain, glad kids are a little more switched-on than we were,’ one commented.

‘Schoolies 2017, it’s one I’ll never forget but also one I can’t remember,’ another said.

A third wrote: ‘I was sleeping on the street in 2016 on Schoolies lol.’

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