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Biden made 16 references to “the former president.” Here’s what he said.

Biden made 16 references to “the former president.” Here’s what he said.

President Joe Biden departs after finishing his speech at the Capitol’s Statuary Hall. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

President Biden outlined what he called three “big lies” that former President Trump and supporters have pushed before and after Jan. 6, 2021.

Biden said they are trying to rewrite history by claiming the first “big lie,” that the insurrection actually took place on Election Day.

Biden said it is a “twisted” way to look at America.

“The election of 2020 was the greatest demonstration of democracy in the history of this country. More of you voted in that election than have ever voted in all of American history. Over 150 million Americans went to the polls and voted that day — in a pandemic, some at great risk to their lives. They should be applauded, not attacked,” Biden said. 

“The former president and supporters have decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections. It is wrong. It’s undemocratic. And frankly it’s un-American,” Biden said.

Biden said that the second “big lie” being told by the former president and his allies is that the results of the 2020 election can’t be trusted. 

Biden slammed “phony partisan audits” that repeatedly showed there was no voter fraud in the election.

“Let’s speak plainly about what happened in 2020. Even before the first ballot was cast, the former president was preemptively sowing doubt about the election results. He built his lie over months, wasn’t based in any facts. He was just looking for an excuse, a pretext, to cover for the truth,” Biden said. 

“He’s not just a former president. He’s a defeated former president, defeated by a margin of over 7 million of your votes. A full and free and fair election. There is simply zero proof the election results were inaccurate,” he continued.

Biden said the third “big lie” from Trump and others was that the Capitol rioters were patriots. 

“Is that what you thought? When you looked at the mob ransacking the Capitol, destroying property, literally defecating in the hallways … hunting down members of Congress, patriots? Not in my view. To me, the true patriots were the more than 150 Americans who peacefully expressed their vote at the ballot box,” he said.

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