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Ban on celebrities endorsing alcohol the best decision – Mr Logic

Ban on celebrities endorsing alcohol the best decision – Mr Logic

Entertainment of Sunday, 12 May 2024



Mr Logic

Entertainment pundit, Mr. Logic, has backed the Food and Drugs Authority’s decision to ban public figures from endorsing alcoholic beverages.

He is of the view that it has helped sanitize the system and prevented some young ones from emulating lifestyles that would be detrimental to them.

Mr. Logic believes that children easily take after public figures they admire, and therefore, if the system was not sanitized, the number of young people who would have become alcoholics just because their favorite celebrity endorse drinking a particular alcoholic beverage brand would have increased.

“The ban on public figures from endorsing alcohol is the best decision. These celebrities have influence, and therefore, it would have been bad to see them influencing alcoholic brands. Someone like Sarkodie, I always say, it is not right for him to be smoking cigars all the time. Does he know the number of young people who think cigars are good for them just because their idol is always smoking it in his live videos?

“If MzGee started the show by always drinking at least half a glass of whisky, don’t you think kids who admire her would also think it is a nice ritual, and they will hop onto it and also start drinking? Tomorrow, your child could become an alcoholic, drink and drive, and die as a result,” he said.

The FDA has banned celebrities from endorsing alcoholic brands. This decision was reached in 2015 but has since been challenged in court with a ruling yet to be issued.

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