Australian reporter wins an Emmy for Donald Trump interview that became internet sensation

An Australian journalist who became an internet sensation for his interview with Donald Trump has won a News Emmy award.

Sydney-born political correspondent Jonathan Swan, 36, earned worldwide acclaim for his priceless reactions and grilling of the then-US President in August 2020.

The accolades continued at Tuesday night’s News Emmys when Axios took out the Outstanding Edited Interview gong for Swan’s interview on HBO.

His father, Walkley award-winning health journalist, physician and face of the ABC’s Covid-19 coverage Dr Norman Swan was among the first to congratulate him.

‘So proud of my son winning an Emmy just now. Fabulous work. I love you,’ Dr Swan tweeted. 

Australian reporter wins an Emmy for Donald Trump interview that became internet sensation

Jonathan Swan (pictured right with wife Betsy) took out the Outstanding Edited Interview gong at the News Emmysw

The journalist is the son of Walkley-winning journalist Dr Norman Swan, who was among the first to congratulate his son

Jonathan’s US journalist wife Betsy Woodruff, who works for the Politico news organisation, also paid a glowing tribute.

‘Jonathan just won an Emmy!’ she proudly tweeted.

‘In honor of Jonathan’s Emmy, please send your best memes.’

The couple married in 2019 and welcomed baby daughter Esther Jane a year ago. 

The News Emmy award has reignited online pleas for Swan to return home and dish out the same grilling to Australian politicians as the Covid-19 crisis continues.

‘Congratulations to both of you! Can you please ask him to come home & interview Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian,’ one replied to Dr Swan’s tweet. 

Another added: ‘We are all proud of your son! I wish he’d come home and help boost the amazing journos here who are helping bring ScoMo to account.’

Memes of Swan’s priceless reactions during the famous interview have also resurfaced.

He’s also been inundated with tributes from fellow Australian journalists.

‘A triumph of research and instinct. He emoted what we were all thinking,’ Four Corners reporter Adam Harvey wrote.

The son of Dr Swan and paediatrician Dr Lee Sutton, Jonathan grew up playing rugby on Sydney’s eastern suburbs and attended Sydney Grammar School. 

Swan, who turns 35 on Friday, is the son of Walkley award-winning ABC health journalist and physician Dr Norman Swan and paediatrician Dr Lee Sutton. Father and son are pictured

Already a rising star among the White House press pack, his bizarre conversation with Trump (pictured) will only enhance Swan’s growing reputation as a first-rate television interviewer

Jonathan Swan  is married to American journalist Betsy Woodruff. The couple welcomed a baby daughter a year ago

Swan’s bizarre conversation with Trump in August 2020 went viral and quickly gained a reputation as a first-rate television interviewer.

His stunned reactions as Trump stumbled through questions about COVID-19 quickly became memes and trended on Twitter. 

Widely read, fiercely inquisitive and with a sharp sense of humour, Swan won new fans in America for his boyish good looks and distinctive Australian accent.

‘It’s like the old quote – women want to be with him, men want to be him,’ says a Sydney friend who has known Swan since childhood. ‘It’s sickening really.’ 

Swan has been a journalist for more than a decade and been reporting on Washington for barely five years but has built a network of contacts which is the envy of many of his peers.

Jonathan’s father Dr Norman Swan (pictured) is the face of ABC’s Covid-19 coverage

Known as ‘Swanny’ to friends in Australia where he was raised in a Jewish family, the former private school boy is a prodigiously hard worker and prolific researcher.    

Swan’s range of bemused facial expressions while talking to Trump has gained as much attention as the president’s tortured answers in a 35-minute HBO interview, a clip of which has gone viral.

Vogue published ‘the seven craziest things Trump said’ and New York magazine has produced ‘The Nine Wildest Answers in Trump’s Interview With Jonathan Swan.’

Swan didn’t maintain the usual reporter’s straight face when talking to Trump and his interviewing style was praised for quick-thinking follow up questions.

Swan’s range of bemused facial expressions has gained as much attention as Trump’s tortured answers in a 35-minute HBO interview that has gone viral

The reporter’s stunned reactions as Trump stumbles through responding to his questions about COVID-19 have become memes and are trending on Twitter

Daily Mail columnist Piers Morgan described Swan as a ‘well-prepared’ and ‘top-class’ journalist who was determined not to let Trump off the hook.

Morgan wrote that Trump’s ‘extraordinary, toe-curling’ interview with Swan ‘exposed just why the US has become a horrifyingly bad template for how NOT to combat Covid-19.’ 

‘Jonathan Swan’s constantly bemused face last night perfectly summed up what we were all thinking as the President brandished his meaningless self-serving charts and spouted his nonsensical self-justifying drivel… ‘ 

While the interview also covers Trump’s campaign rallies and the arrest of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell, it concentrates on the president’s response to COVID-19.

In exchange after exchange Swan seems bewildered by Trump’s explanation of how he has dealt with the pandemic.  

‘You know there are those that say you can test too much,’ Trump says at one point. ‘You do know that?’

Swan responds: ‘Who says that?’

‘Oh, just read the manuals,’ Trump answers. ‘Read the books.’

Swan: ‘Manuals? What manuals?’

Trump: ‘Read the books, read the books.’

Swan has been a journalist for only a decade and been reporting on Washington for barely five years but has built a network of contacts which is the envy of many of his peers. He is pictured with legendary Watergate journalist Bob Woodward

Swan is national political reporter for the Axios news website and is considered to have some of the best journalistic access to the Trump administration. 

He began his career as a cadet journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald in 2011 after completing a Bachelor of Arts at Sydney University and a stint in advertising and was soon sent to Canberra to report on federal politics. 

The year after covering the 2013 election campaign he won an American Australian Association fellowship to study US politics and history at John Hopkins University.

As part of that fellowship Swan worked for Republican Senator Ed Royce before he got a permanent journalistic role with political news website The Hill. 

Politico named him one of ’16 Breakout Media Stars’ in 2016 and he was poached by the founders of Axios the same year. 

Since joining Axios Swan has broken major stories about the Trump administration for the website and has made regular appearances on TV. 

Swan’s mates from Sydney Grammar School attended his wedding at a Virginia winery last year in a ceremony that included a mixture of Jewish and Christian traditions. He is pictured with wife Betsy Woodruff when the couple became engaged

He was the first to report the US would pull out of the Paris climate deal and that Trump would recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. 

Former Washington Post journalist Ronald Kessler has claimed Swan is among a small number of journalists to whom Trump feeds information to be used without attribution. 

While Swan has settled in Washington and intends to remain in the US he remains extremely close to his parents, two sisters and a tight circle of Australian friends. 

Mates from Sydney Grammar School attended his wedding at a Virginia winery in September last year in a ceremony that included a mixture of Jewish and Christian traditions. 

Other guests including Australia’s then ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey, and former Home and Away actor Cassie Howarth.

While Swan has settled in Washington and intends to remain in the US he remains extremely close to a tight circle of Australian friends, his parents and two sisters. He is pictured with wife Betsy Woodruff near the Sydney Opera House 

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