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Artiste Manager Complains About Politicians Using And Dumping Creatives After Elections

Artiste Manager Complains About Politicians Using And Dumping Creatives After Elections

Nana Poku Ashis, an Artiste Manager and Entertainment Pundit is unhappy about how Ghanaian politicians treat creatives.

He complained about politicians using and dumping creatives after elections in a recent interview.

After campaigning for political parties, Ashis said it is disappointing that they do not support the creative sector when they win power.

“It is about time players in the Creative Industry come together as one voice to fight for a common goal because politicians have taken them for granted for far too long.

“We are only needed during campaign time so they can come to power and after that, we are left on our own. I have told myself that until a presidential candidate can convince me that he has our interest at heart and is willing to implement policies that help creatives, there is no way I am voting. I believe if every creative thinks like me, they will take us seriously and provide us with what we need to effectively execute our jobs.

“With how we have been treated so far, I don’t expect to see any creative jumping on any political platform to campaign for a politician until our voices are heard. In December, we will be voting, and we will be needed for campaigns, and this is the time we should make our voices heard. Let’s come together as one and fight for a common goal,” he told Graphic Showbiz.

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However, Ashis mentioned how the creator art sector contributes to economic growth, job creation and government tax revenue.

“It is about time the government took a serious look our way. The creative sector makes huge money for this country, so I cannot understand why we are neglected. Just look at all the money and jobs we created via just December in GH.”

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