Annastacia Palaszczuk Queensland Covid, Virgin Australia flights: Leigh Sales, Tracy Grimshaw

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Queensland government has quickly backflipped on its decision to force passengers on two planes to spend Christmas in isolation, after national outrage at the move ranging from the Prime Minister to Tracy Grimshaw and Leigh Sales. 

Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath announced on Wednesday morning that travellers on the two Virgin flights will now be classified as casual, rather than close contacts, meaning they can be tested and released from quarantine.

On Tuesday evening Queensland Health said passengers on board flights VA1105 from Newcastle to Brisbane and VA375 from Brisbane to Townsville, both on Monday, December 13, were close contacts of the positive case and will need to isolate until December 27, ruining Christmas. 

The decision will see the air travellers on the flights reunited with their families for Christmas.

Passengers who sat near the infected passenger two rows in front and behind, however, will be asked to remain in quarantine for the full 14 days.

‘I’ve been advised this morning that the Chief Health Officer and the deputies have viewed that we can apply the normal rules in relation to these flights and we don’t need to wait until we get the findings of whether it’s Omicron because, if it is, we still will apply these rules,’ Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said.

‘That means that other than those people – who will be directly advised they are close contacts, because they were either part of the travelling party or sitting immediately around this individual – the remainder of the passengers will be deemed to be casual contacts.’  

The casual contacts on the flights will need to get tested, isolate until they get a negative result, and monitor for symptoms over the next 14 days.

Annastacia Palaszczuk Queensland Covid, Virgin Australia flights: Leigh Sales, Tracy Grimshaw

Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath announced on Wednesday morning that travellers on the two Virgin flights will now be classified as casual, rather than close contacts, meaning they can be tested and released from quarantine in time for Christmas

Passengers on board flights VA1105 from Newcastle to Brisbane and VA375 from Brisbane to Townsville, both on Monday, December 13, were close contacts of the positive case and will need to isolate until December 27, ruining their Christmas

The backflip came as the state announced six new locally acquired Covid cases, two of which are believed to be the Omicron variant. 

The new cases are believed to have been infectious in the community for up to six days and are spread across the state, including Goondiwindi, Wide Bay, Townsville, Gold Coast and Brisbane south.

The case in Brisbane south is believed to have attended the Argyle hotel in Newcastle, where up to 150 people had now tested positive, many believed to be with Omicron. 

The infected person on the flight from Newcastle to Brisbane attended another exposure site in Newcastle, Ms D’Ath said. The man then flew onto Townsville but did not spend significant time in the community while infectious. 

Another Omicron case was detected in hotel quarantine – a traveller who arrived from the United Kingdom.

‘Rules have to make sense or people will reject them,’ ACA host Tracy Grimshaw Tweeted in response to the decision by Queensland Health to force hundreds of travellers on two Virgin flights to go into 14 days self-isolation over Christmas

The host of Nine’s A Current Affair pointed out the hypocrisy of the Prime Minister being able to move around the state while travellers on the plane were forced to isolate for two weeks

‘Flights have been going between NSW and Vic for months – has there been a single superspreader event on a flight relating to a covid case?’ Tweeted Leigh Sales after Queensland told two planeloads of travellers to self-isolate until after Christmas Day

It’s not the first time the ABC’s 7.30 presenter has weighed in on the Covid policies of state governments and health authorities

Queensland’s Chief Health Office Dr John Gerrard justified the snap decision to force the Virgin passengers into isolation because it was the first flight into the state carrying an Omicron case.

‘We made the decision, given that this occurred late in the day, that we would immediately quarantine all patients on that flight until we had an opportunity to discuss, first among ourselves, the experts within Queensland Health, but in addition with our interstate colleagues, how best to deal with the passengers on this flight,’ he said.

‘We took an extremely cautious approach. This is the first domestic flight on which a likely Omicron case has been diagnosed.’

Ms D’Ath revealed that the passengers on the two Virgin flights had not even been contacted by Queensland contact tracing but the isolation advice had been published on the Queensland Health website.

The decision to force the passengers into isolation erupted on Wednesday morning, with Prime Minister and other prominent Australians weighing into the controversy.

On Brisbane radio this morning, Mr Morrison urged the Queensland government to reunite passengers with their families. 

‘PCR testing, being able to look at ways to ensure people be able to join their families before Christmas, I would hope, is a very high priority for them,’ he told Spencer Howson on 4BC.  

Sales, the host of ABC’s current affairs 7.30 program, was quick to ask why Queensland ordered hundreds of travellers on board two Virgin flights into 14 days of isolation after a passenger tested positive for Covid-19.

‘Flights have been going between NSW and Vic for months – has there been a single superspreader event on a flight relating to a Covid case?’ tweeted Sales. 

‘What is the basis of Qld locking up planeloads of vaxed people for Christmas without warning or precedent?’ 

Meanwhile, Grimshaw, the host of Nine’s A Current Affair, pointed out the hypocrisy of the Prime Minister being able to move around the state while travellers on the plane were forced to isolate for two weeks.    

‘The PM is a casual contact, double vaxxed, two negative tests and free to enter and move around QLD,’ Grimshaw Tweeted. 

‘But a planeload of double vaxxed almost all casual contacts are locked in Xmas quarantine for 2 wks regardless of tests. 

‘Rules have to make sense or people will reject them.’  

Mr Morrison said on Brisbane radio this morning that the Queensland government should be doing ‘all it could’ to ensure the passengers could spend Christmas with their families. 

‘There’s nothing magical about 14 days.

‘Omicron is in Australia and we’ve got to live with it; we can’t live in fear of it.’

Mr Morrison had been cleared to enter Queensland despite being classified as a casual contact after attending a Sydney high school graduation gala where an infected person tested positive.

He attended Kincoppal-Rose Bay’s Graduation Gala at the International Convention Centre Darling Harbour on Friday night.  

Mr Morrison had since received two negative PCR tests and so is not required to isolate on entry to Queensland. 

Former Channel Nine presenter Rebecca Maddern was another high-profile person to question the Queensland Health decision.  

The TV personality, 44, made a scathing Instagram post questioning the state’s harsh quarantine rules as she anxiously prepares to fly from Melbourne to Queensland later this month to see her father for the first time in 18 months.

Alongside quotes from a news article, which confirmed passengers are required to isolate regardless of a negative result, the 44-year-old wrote: ‘So Queensland isn’t really open at all.

‘Passengers have been flying between Sydney and Melbourne for weeks – has there been a massive issue? No. Why is Queensland 14 days ISO for a close contact. 

‘In Victoria, it’s 10 days ISO if you’re Covid positive!’  

Queensland Health was concerned the positive case on the flight from Newcastle could be linked to the nightclub cluster in the NSW city but has now confirmed the traveller attended another exposure site in Newcastle

There is concern the positive case on the flight from Newcastle could be linked to the nightclub cluster in the NSW city, where around 150 people have already tested positive to what is believed to be the Omicron variant.  

Some people commenting on the post agreed with Sales, pointing out that high vaccination rates meant most people should be protected and isolation was unnecessary, while others said precaution was necessary due to the Omicron variant.

‘Do you not think that the emergence of Omicron and the apparent increase in transmissability (as seen in UK) warrants caution?’ one person responded to Sales.

‘If you think you can keep Omicron out even with closed borders you are kidding yourself – these rules don’t do anything other than lock up perfectly healthy people – let them go on a negative test and retest in 5 days,’ another person responded.

It’s not the first time the ABC presenter has weighed in on the Covid policies of state governments and health authorities.

She famously complained about being trolled by supporters of Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews earlier this year after she tweeted about the Victorian lockdown.

‘Next time you hear a Premier claim a short term lockdown for a handful of cases has ‘crushed’ the virus – remember that the data so far shows they’re pointless,’ she tweeted on May 24 this year. 

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (left) and Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard (right) have repeatedly warned that the state’s relatively low number of Covid cases will not last now that Queensland’s border restrictions have eased

She was also criticised when the Sydney-based presenter turned up to one of Mr Andrews’ daily press conferences in Melbourne in February to question him on hotel quarantine and Victoria’s then third lockdown. 

Queensland is on edge since re-opening its borders to interstate travellers from declared ‘hotspots’ such as NSW, Victoria and the ACT.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Health Minister Yvette D’Ath and Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard have all repeatedly warned that the state’s relatively low number of Covid cases will not last now that border restrictions have eased.

Yesterday Dr Gerrard said it was ‘inevitable’ that more cases of Covid would be detected in the state and that a mask mandate for people meeting indoors would likely be reintroduced if community transmission increased in Queensland. 

‘[But] at this stage we are not seeing evidence of sustained community transmission,’ he said. 

On Monday he said he expected to see ‘more than hundreds’ of cases within the next few months. 

As of yesterday, Queensland now had 88.61 per cent of its residents with one dose of a Covid vaccine and 82.03 per cent with two doses.

New close contact sites announced by Queensland Health 

Flight VA1105 Newcastle to Brisbane – All passengers on this flight – Monday 13 December 2021, 12.03pm-12.15pm

Flight VA375 Brisbane to Townsville – All passengers on this flight – Monday 13 December 2021, 2.05pm-4.14pm

Domestic departures, Virgin terminal, Brisbane Airport, Brisbane – Monday 13 December 2021, 12.15pm-2.05pm

Domestic arrival gate and baggage carousel Townsville Airport Coral Sea Drive Garbutt – Monday 13 December 2021, 4.10pm-4.25pm 

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