Andy Murray expresses concern for Novak Djokovic over Australian Open visa saga

Tennis great Andy Murray claims Novak Djokovic visa saga is ‘really bad’ for all involved and hopes his old rival ‘is OK’ locked up in a run down hotel alongside refugees awaiting his fate

  • Tennis great Andy Murray weighs into Novak Djokovic visa saga in Australia
  • Is shocked by how saga unfolded and says it’s ‘really not good for tennis at all’
  • Hopes world number one detained in immigration detention hotel ‘is doing okay’
  • Djokovic could be deported from Australia if lawyers lose court appeal  Monday 

Andy Murray is the latest big name to show concern for Novak Djokovic while declaring that the saga which has engulfed the world No.1 is ‘really bad’ for tennis.

As Djokovic spent a fourth night at the immigration detention hotel that’s been his home since arriving in Melbourne late last Wednesday night, his old British rival Murray reckoned he, like the rest of the sport, had been shocked by the whole episode.

Djokovic’s fate should be resolved on Monday when his lawyers challenge the rejection of his visa application by Australian border force officials.

Andy Murray expresses concern for Novak Djokovic over Australian Open visa saga

Tennis great Andy Murray (pictured with wife Kim Sears) has weighed into the Novak Djokovic visa saga

In their appeal document sent to the court, they say the 34-year-old tested positive for Covid-19 in December, and it was on those grounds that they sought a medical exemption that would allow him to defend his Australian Open crown.

But lawyers for the federal government will argue in a hearing that it had not given Djokovic any assurance that his medical exemption would be accepted.

The Serbian has to await the outcome of this hearing which will determine if he’s allowed to play for a 10th Australian title or whether he will be deported.

The whole affair, now in its fifth day since the champion’s arrival, has left three-time grand slam winner Murray – the man Djokovic has beaten in four Australian Open finals – quite dismayed.

‘I think everyone is shocked by it to be honest,’ the former world No.1 told reporters.

World number one Novak Djokovic (pictured right with wife Jelena) has spent his fourth night in a immigration detention hotel in Melbourne

Andy Murray (pictured in action at Wimbledon in 2021) expressed concern for Djokovic and described the visa saga as ‘really not good for tennis at all’

‘I’m going to say two things on it just now. The first thing is that I hope that Novak is okay. I know him well, and I’ve always had a good relationship with him.

‘The second thing I’ll say on it, is it’s really not good for tennis at all, and I don’t think it’s good for anyone involved. I think it’s really bad.

‘Some stuff has come out that really doesn’t look good, either. I want to hear all the facts first before giving all of my thoughts on it.’

Murray’s thoughts have been echoed by other tennis stars like Australia’s most high profile men’s player Nick Kyrgios, who said: ‘I’m feeling for him now. Like it’s not really humane, is it, what’s going on?’

Novak Djokovic (pictured) could be deported from Australia as early as today


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