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Afia Schwarzenegger descends on Psalm Adjeteyfio

Afia Schwarzenegger descends on Psalm Adjeteyfio

Audio of TT begging for leftovers from MzGee’s kitchen leaks

MzGee denies leaking TT’s audio

Afia Schwarzenegger slams TT for begging

Comedienne Afia Schwarzenegger has chided Psalm Adjeteyfio following his lamentations and incessant calls on the public to support him with cash donations.

Afia Schwarzenegger who had earlier decided to not comment on the issue rescinded her decision, Thursday, as she sent a message to the veteran actor via a video clip she shared on her social media page.

While emphasizing that it is not compulsory for people to extend benevolence to the actor, affectionately called TT, Afia Schwarzenegger remarked that the narrative would have been different had he made judicious use of his resources.

“Uncle TT, life is how you make it. That is why I’m bent on seeing my children through school”, she said. “Nobody owes you anything. You’ve said enough; keep quiet. If you were mindful of your steps during your heydays, you wouldn’t be granting interviews about failed promises.”


In the last couple of days, TT, has been in the news after an audio clip of him begging MzGee for leftovers landed in the public domain. In the said audio, the actor indicated that he has invested the GH¢50,000 the vice president gave him and that since the vice president’s donation was made public, all those who used to help him withdrew which has created a lot of problems for him.

“MzGee good afternoon, I’m wondering if you would have some leftovers in your kitchen to spare. [The] reason is, people who use to help have all withdrawn their help when they heard that the Vice President had given me the money. But you would agree with me that [with] such monies, you need to invest wisely and that is what I have done and when you make investments too, it will take time before you begin enjoying it,” the Taxi Driver TV series actor explained in the audio.

The issue engendered controversy, with many expressing shocks over the actor’s actions. While answers to who leaked the audio and with what intent are yet to be provided, TT in an interview on Okay FM disclosed that he received GH¢40,000 from the Office of the Chief of Staff even before the GH¢50,000 cash donation from the vice president.

Asked what he used the money for to warrant a plea for leftovers from the kitchen of media personality MzGee, the veteran actor sounded proverbial.

“If you travel, you notice there are a lot of potholes on the road. When you buy gravels, you need to fill all the potholes. You’re sick, you’re a single parent, you have three kids who are on the threshold of adulthood. There’s pressure on you when you get money”, he noted.

The veteran, in September last year cried for help as he announced that he needed GH¢3,000 to pay his rent or risked ejection. Vice president Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia after hearing his plea donated GH¢50,000 to him.

I’m not ashamed to beg – Psalm Adjetefio

In September when TT was criticized for always pleading for assistance, he indicated that he does not feel embarrassed asking the public to rescue him from his deteriorating state.

“When you have a problem and you don’t tell people about it, there’s no way they would know,” he said on Akoma FM.

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